Wednesday 12 Feb, 2025 03:39 PM
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Saravan Stocks
Balance Sheet
JSW Ispat Special Products Ltd(Merged) Industry:  Steel - Sponge Iron
BSE Code ISIN Demat Book Value(R) NSE Symbol Div & Yield % Market Cap (Rs.Cr) P/E(TTM) EPS(TTM) Face Value(R)
513446 INE743C01021 9.9305715 JSWISPL 0 1829.83 0 0 10
 Mar 2022
Mar 2021
Mar 2020
Mar 2019
Mar 2018
Mar 2017
Share Capital 995.53995.53995.53995.53349.37343.41
Reserves Total 396.39387.98490.46982.27-3278.48-1346.68
Equity Share Warrants0.
Equity Application Money0.
Total Shareholders Funds1391.921383.511485.991977.80-2929.11-1003.27
Secured Loans 2457.262327.782404.662073.318037.676118.76
Unsecured Loans 241.88242.12244.33125.00354.462234.34
Total Debt2699.142569.902648.992198.318392.138353.10
Other Liabilities55.6539.7823.653.2326.1627.71
Total Liabilities4146.713993.194158.634179.345489.187377.54
Gross Block 8295.858175.768068.557978.127977.627970.12
Less : Accumulated Depreciation 5227.165007.354819.294605.571960.361609.25
Less:Impairment of Assets0.
Net Block 3068.693168.413249.263372.556017.266360.87
Lease Adjustment0.
Capital Work in Progress166.90175.14237.63153.63166.14157.10
Producing Properties0.
Investments 1.681.170.750.99622.751059.18
Current Assets, Loans & Advances      
Inventories 1111.67926.32858.81738.11320.96398.89
Sundry Debtors 254.45188.6851.7732.9860.3097.13
Cash and Bank Balance129.86127.62165.43213.43103.1676.82
Loans and Advances 308.14309.32150.53184.13880.591012.56
Total Current Assets1804.121551.941226.541168.651365.011585.40
Less : Current Liabilities and Provisions      
Current Liabilities 1033.56993.29602.33463.942720.571699.57
Total Current Liabilities & Provisions1037.76995.46604.49543.552720.571820.74
Net Current Assets766.36556.48622.05625.10-1355.56-235.34
Miscellaneous Expenses not written off
Deferred Tax Assets0.
Deferred Tax Liability0.
Net Deferred Tax0.
Other Assets143.0891.9948.9427.0738.5935.73
Total Assets4146.713993.194158.634179.345489.187377.54
Contingent Liabilities122.87156.41159.1369.951825.871222.21
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